Human Health Aid Burundi

Our area


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HHA is engaged to make a social change by promoting an innovative and inclusive education. HHA priorities the Education including in emergencies situation. HHA believe in every child’s right to a quality, safe, inclusive and transformational education that empower children for life. HHA seeks to transform the lives of all children include vulnerable and marginalized children and young people through education. An undertaking of this scale and impact requires a well-oiled machine of resources and human capital that work together to address barriers for quality education and sustainable development across the world’s most challenging geographies. It also requires focused and targeted problem


Early Childhood Development Program

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Early Childhood Development Program

HHA searches to improve the quality of life for young children and promote their optimal growth and development. Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world and has limited resources for early childhood education and development. Our program focused on providing holistic support to children aged 0-5 years old, their caregivers, and communities.

Our project integrates the community   to understand the challenges and opportunities for Early Child Development. We work closely with community s organization and government agencies to ensure that our program aligned with national policies and priorities.


Poverty reduction

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porverty reduction

HHA Burundi helps to increase the scale, impact, and sustainability poverty-reducing programs and intervenes in sectors like Education (2) (as a matter of fact, to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth, a country has to invest in educating their people and to offer equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender, sex, race and living conditions). In this respect, HHA works with partners to ensure that youth obtain the knowledge and skills that can help them getting better future and improved livelihoods. This goal is known as Sustainable Development Goal 1


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Human Health Aid Burundi is dedicated to improving healthcare in Burundi through various projects focusing on chronic diseases, prevention, and treatment. Our organization is actively involved in addressing health issues such as hepatitis C, cancer, malaria, Alzheimer’s care, and other forms of dementia. We collaborate with research institutions and innovative partners to develop new strategies for screening and treatment.



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HHA considers that agriculture is the backbone of economy and to reach the sustainable   development.  With a modern and innovative agriculture, we can create jobs, raise incomes, boost nutrition, and reduce poverty. This goal is known as Sustainable Development Goal 1


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HHA is aware of the fact that a healthy population having reduced illness and increased life expectancy rates, is paramount for achieving sustained economic growth and reducing poverty.

Sustainable energy sources for all

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Sustainable energy sources for all

As energy is paramount not only in sectors like health, education, etc. where HHA is acting, but also in global economic growth, it is involved in trying to support people in need to get sustainable energy sources adapted to their needs and especially in schools, IDPs, refugees’ camps and deprived /remote areas). This goal is known as Sustainable Development Goal 7

Food distribution

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Well being

At HHA, we try to support as much possible to end hunger and ensure that individuals have access to the nutritious food they need. Our programs aim to tackle food insecurity and provide healthy food options to those in need. We partner to change lives of vulnerable and affected communities and work towards creating a world where everyone has access to the food they need to thrive.


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Emergency response

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Emergency response

Human Health Aid responds rapidly to humanitarian crises and provides vital life-saving support to those who are most vulnerable. Our emergency aid programs ensure that families have access to clean water, food, shelter, and medical care in the aftermath of disasters, conflict, and displacement.

Orphans care

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Orphans care

Within our Orphans Care program, our primary focus is to provide comprehensive support to orphans, particularly those from the poorest families, refugees, and internally displaced persons (IDPs). We take on the responsibility of ensuring their well-being, education, accommodation, and healthcare. In line with our commitment to promoting education, Human Health Aid (HHA) is dedicated to providing scholarships to girls, encouraging them to pursue high-quality education. We believe in the power of education to empower girls and provide them with the tools they need to succeed in life.


Environment and Biodvesity

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Emergency response

Human Health Aid responds rapidly to humanitarian crises and provides vital life-saving support to those who are most vulnerable. Our emergency aid programs ensure that families have access to clean water, food, shelter, and medical care in the aftermath of disasters, conflict, and displacement.
